Need to pay your dues or entry fees? Click here.
RSVP to our February 2 Member Meeting at Art House 7
Benefits of Being A Member
Exhibit and Sell Your Artwork
Gallery - Juried Shows at Alliance Gallery at The Crossing Clarendon
Partner Showcases - Ten local business partners showcase artist work on a rotating basis (over 50 opportunities per year!)
Art Fairs - Signature Winter & Spring Artful Weekends at Ft. Smith Park, It’s a Steal, & more
Community Exhibits – Fashion Centre at Pentagon City, Northside Social
Pop-ups – Opportunities at community events & markets
Commissions – Varied high-profile opportunities with local businesses and the County
Website Listing – Artist biography and contact information on our website

Our Vibrant Artist Community
Camaraderie - Interact and network with seasoned professionals and budding artists
Learning – Acquire new skills and techniques from colleagues, attend art critiques and tours, and connect with small business opportunities
Sharing – Teach your art, mentor students, demonstrate techniques, and participate in community events that enhance the greater Arlington community like Earth Day
Ways to Volunteer*
Assist with exhibit openings throughout the year
Help with local community event pop-ups
Curate a local venue
Lead or join a committee – marketing, fundraising, community engagement, & more
Become a board member
Help with mailings and deliver exhibit postcards
Blaze your own trail!
* A more detailed list of open volunteer positions is available upon request. Members must contribute the equivalent of 20 volunteer hours to participate in our annual Fort Smith and It’s a Steal shows
Membership Meetings
Member meetings will be held quarterly in 2025 based on member feedback.
Sunday, February 2 - 3-4 pm - at Art House 7 - 2024 in review & 2025 plans - RSVP HERE
Tuesday, April 29 - 7-8 pm - at Alliance Gallery - Guest speaker/demonstration
Thursday, July 31 - 6- 7 pm - Zoom - Summer check-in
Saturday, October 25 - at Alliance Gallery - Guest speaker/demonstration
In-person Membership Meetings are held at:
Alliance Gallery at The Crossing in Clarendon
(in the breezeway between SoulCycle and Chip City)
2700 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 330R
Arlington, VA 22201
Online Membership Meetings are held via Zoom. Links are emailed one week in advance.
Benefits of Becoming a Member
Show and Artwork Sale opportunities
Ability to show and sell artwork at over 10 local venues
Artist biography and contact information posted on our website
Ability to post and sell your work online
Qualify to participate in our annual events with appropriate volunteer hours
Join a vibrant Artist Community
Interact with seasoned professionals and budding artists
Learn new skills and techniques from colleagues
Volunteer for community events
Ways to Volunteer*
Assist with the first Friday receptions at Gallery Underground
Lead or work on a Committee
Curate a local venue
Become a board member
Assist at one of our signature events
Ft. C.F. Smith in the Fall and Spring
Artrageous (our top fundraising event)
It’s a Steal
Blaze your own trail!
* Members must contribute the equivalent of 20 volunteer hours to participate in our annual Fort Smith and It’s a Steal shows
Membership Meeting Location
In-person Membership Meetings are held at Alliance Gallery at The Crossing in Clarendon in the breezeway between SoulCycle and Chip City
The Crossing in Clarendon
2700 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 330R
Arlington, VA 22201
Online Membership Meetings are held via Zoom. Links are emailed one week in advance.
Dues & Fees
Alliance Membership Dues
Alliance Membership annual dues are due at the end of each calendar year. If you joined the Alliance in September or later, your next dues payment will be the following year.
Studio Underground Rent
UPDATE: Studio tenants will receive an electronic invoice on a quarterly basis.
Need to Make a Payment but Your Amount Option Isn't Listed?
Please contact Christina Papanicolaou and she will send you an invoice with a link for payment.

How to Add Your Artwork to Our Online Store
Artists may submit up to two pieces per online exhibition
Online exhibitions will rotate every 2 months
Artists will receive emails with deadlines to submit
Your work will only be up during the show’s set dates and will be taken down once it's time to start the next exhibition.
All works being submitted must remain available to sell solely through the Alliance website during the show’s time period
Any work you submit MUST be REMOVED from any other sales platform during the duration of the AAA online sale - these pieces must not be for sale on your website, an art show, a venue etc.
Original artworks only, no prints or giclees
All artwork must meet the framing standards of any in-person show. You can find framing standards by clicking here.
To add your work for the next exhibition, please email art@arlingtonartistsalliance.org by August 12, 2022 with the following information:
Clear photo(s) of your work, showing the frame, if possible. If your work is under glass, either photograph it before you frame it, or take the photo with no overhead lighting to reduce glare.
Either name your digital file as indicated below, or include this info in the body of the email. (do not use quotes. commas or any other special characters).
Your LAST name.title of work.medium.size.price - please print this all on one line as shown.
Example of how digital file should be named: