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Linda Holz



Artist Statement:  Color, contrast, shape, subject, place, and time motivate and evoke painting for me with many aspects of nature as sources.  The challenge of painting in watercolor makes it my favorite medium.

Juried Shows—Watercolor:

2017:  Annual Mid-Atlantic Show, Baltimore Watercolor Society.  Central Virginia Watercolor Guild Show; Art League Oct. 2016:  Virginia Watercolor Society Annual Exhibition; Central Virginia Watercolor Guild Show; Arlington Artists Alliance “Blues Show;” Miniature Painters, Sculptors, and Gravers Show.  2015:  West Virginia Watercolor Society Aqueous 2015; Central Virginia Watercolor Guild Show;  “All Media” Art League, June; “Art in the Garden” August , Springfield Art Guild.   2014: “All Media” July, “‘Scapes” August, “Art Now,” October, “Small Works,” November,  “All Media,” December, Art League Gallery, Alexandria, VA.  “Art Aesthetic,” October,  Gallery Underground, Arlington, VA.  “Young at Art,”  Sept. –Nov. Durant Center, Alexandria, VA.  “Nourish and Flourish,” November and “Metamorphosis,” October, Del Ray Artisans, Alexandria, VA.  “Art at  the Mill” April-May, Millwood, Virginia.  Art League Bin Gallery, Alexandria, VA.  2013:  “All Media “and “Small Works” Jan., June, Nov., Dec., Art League Gallery, Alexandria, VA.  Art League Bin Gallery, Alexandria, VA.   “Art in the Park,”  August, Springfield Art Guild.  2006:  “Small Works,” November, Art League Gallery, Alexandria, VA; “Art in City Hall” February and September, Alexandria, VA.

Other Shows: 2017: Gallery Underground and Cassatts; Green Springs and NoVA Show; Potomac Valley Watercolorists. 2016: Gallery Underground, Cassatts, and Fort Smith; Potomac Valley Watercolorists St. Andrews Show; Two-Person Show at Goodwin House, Alexandria, Virginia.

Gallery Affiliations:  Art League at the Torpedo Factory, Alexandria, Virginia.  Gallery Underground, Arlington, Virginia.

Awards:  2016 Award of Excellence for Indian Icon, Virginia Watercolor Society; 2016 Honorable Mention for Summer Blues, “The Blues Show,” Arlington Artists Alliance.    Honorable Mention for Half Shells,  Del Ray Artisans Gallery, Alexandria, VA.  Honorable Mention for Swamp Cypress, October 2014,  “Art Aesthetic,” Gallery Underground, Arlington, VA.  Potomac Valley Watercolorist Award, 2009 Student Show, Art League Gallery, Alexandria, VA.  Blue and red ribbons, Arlington County Fair, Arlington, VA.

Collections:  in private collections nationwide, Peru, and Great Britain.

Art Education:  Art League School, Alexandria and Arlington County, VA.  Glen Echo, Maryland.  Instructors:  Marge Alderson, Ted Betts, Gwen Bragg, Rachel Collins, Susan Heron, Peter Ulrich, Steve Fleming, Jean Gill, Jackie Saunders, Deborah Ellis. Peggy Fisher. Christine Lashley.  Workshops:  Ian Stewart, Skip Lawrence, Dale Laitinen, Frank Eber,  Ken Goldman, Gwen Bragg, Carolyn Gawarecki, Sterling Edwards, Linda Kemp, Marni Maree, Tricia DeWeese, and Mary Phelan, Sandra Hill, Delia Dastur.

Art Memberships:  Potomac Valley Watercolorists.  Art League, Alexandria, VA. Arlington Artists Alliance; Virginia Watercolor Society.

Medium: Watercolor

Alliance Sponsors

The Arlington Artists Alliance and Gallery Underground are supported in part by Arlington County through the Arlington Cultural Affairs division of Arlington Economic Development and the Arlington Commission for the Arts, the Virginia Commission for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, Amazon, the National Landing BID,

JBG Smith, and Sotheby's.

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Our Location:

AAA Logo Red

Alliance Gallery at The Crossing
2700 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 330R
Arlington, VA 22201

(571) 307-7829


2021 Winner Arlington Community Awards

© 2024 Arlington Artists Alliance - All Rights Reserved

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