Anya Getter

Anya Getter was born and raised in Moscow, Russia. She immigrated to United States in 1991, and having majored in Computer Science and Information Technology found a job as a Software Engineer with Fairfax County Public Schools.
Ever since she was a small child, Anya was drawn to painting, sculpture, knitting, sewing and many other forms of arts and crafts. Working in the IT field never allowed her talents to blossom, but Anya always looked for an outlet for her creative energy.
After her twins were born in 2000, Anya first ventured into the world of formal self-expression by decorating kids’ jeans and overalls with colorful and whimsical appliques that became an instant hit among mothers looking for one-of-a-kind outfits for their toddlers. With the help of e-bay her work was selling all over the world. As children were getting older, Anya’s interests have also changed. She experimented with various media and eventually arrived to collage/mixed media art as a perfect match for her artistic vision. Most of Anya’s art comes from her feelings and experiences, and is inspired by quotes or sayings that hold a special meaning to her. Each painting has many layers to it, and you will be discovering new details each time you look at it.
Anya makes her home in Arlington with her husband, two kids and one very fuzzy dog.